Monday, December 10, 2007

assignment 11

1. i think theme is important to a story even though sometimes it might take a while to even figure out what the theme is. i think writing needs to have theme or a sense of thought when you go into it and begin writing. cause otherwise it might look like senseless writing that has no point and made absolutely no sense. even when you think about things it's certain things that come across your mind, but also your mind could go completely blank. on the other hand you could write a bunch of jibberish without a point or theme what so ever. you just write what you wanna write and it could make people think of things that come to them. like art they see what they can see and what comes across their mind.

2. what makes great works last forever? i really don’t know. they must probably have morals that people can still take and use to learn from after 200 years. something that was written and understood back then but still relatable now, and able to have discussions comparing past and presents. could i see myself write something that will last forever? i highly doubt i could, something like that takes a lot of luck and skill in my opinion.

3. something to impact the world, i don’t know what would it be. because i don’t even know if the world would even get an impact from it now or later on. maybe to have thoughts that get people to think about everything going on in their lives. something written that’s able to get them to change or re-evaluate things. i’m not really an impact kind of writer maybe more of a thinking kind with some things i’ve written, but not an impact. though something important to me would probably be a thing that could change the world like hunger or in the movie V for Vendetta an impact to politics. how to make that impact? convince the people of what’s going on open their eyes on the issues that i’m trying to address.


zoe said...

I agree with you. Theme is a hard thing to think about... these questions were tricky.

claire said...

i agree that great writing not only takes skill, but some luck for sure! you're pretty robena!

Mr. Miles said...

Since you asked (and will read it), I'm commenting.

I agree that sometimes the theme comes after the writing. I have written things specifically to communicate a theme, and I've written things simply because the story or characters appeal to me. I find, though, that if I don't find a theme as I write something, often my work flounders. To me, when I have difficulty coming up with a title, that's a sign that I have a problem with what I'm writing.

I think you could wite something long-lasting, Robena. All it takes is the desire.